Spotlight On Broadway
Times Square and the Broadway Theater District have changed dramatically with the times, yet the theaters themselves remain powerful symbols of an American tradition that endures. The NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment commissioned an iconic installation to represent the vital impact the 40 Broadway Theaters, “The Great White Way,” has had upon New York City—and the world. Created while at Doyle Partners, this monument commemorates this important presence of Broadway.
The concept is comprised of two elements: the installation of a large-scale map inlaid into Duffy Square, where Broadway (the Avenue) is represented by an LED installation (yet to be installed) resembling the iconic chaser lights of Broadway theaters and the news zipper around One Times Square. This installation was supplemented with a website and app to present detailed narratives about each theater and bring their stories to life.
This 28ft long permanent monument is found in Times Square, and built out of steel and granite as of 2015. Created while at Doyle Partners, with Stephen Doyle and Rhoan O’Connell.